Summer, Persephone and Self Care

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When I was young I really loved the Greek myths. One story that always stood out in my mind was that of Demeter and Persephone. Persephone is Demeter’s and Zeus’s daughter (which means she is a double god which is really impressive if you are into the Greek myths like I am!) and she was taken into the underworld to wed Hades. Because Persephone ate the seed of a pomegranate, she only can be on the earth with her mom 9 months out of the year. The rest of the time she must reside in the underworld with her Husband. The months that Persephone is in the underworld is the winter. These are the months of Demeter’s grief. It is a time of turning inwards and reflecting. Demeter makes the earth cold and barren during these months.

But when persephone is with her mom, Demeter creates an abundance of sunshine, flowers, vegetation, and procreation; the time of summer. This creates a very stimulating environment and, like Demeter, we are drawn to the beauty of the natural world a we feast in it’s riches. This is the time of turning outwards and engaging with out environment.

Later, when I was in graduate school I learned that Carl Jung really equated the time of winter as the time of the unconscious and the time of summer as the time of consciousness. Meaning, it is important to turn inside to discover what is there.


So summer is a time of over stimulation. Because of this it is important to remember to come inside once in awhile. Stanley Keleman describes this as the natural pulsation of all things. Every cell pulsates out and in. This pulsation creates balance. In mindfulness we talk about the eye gazing out and the eye gazing in. We must always attend to what is going on inside as well as outside. This keeps us from getting overwhelmed by our environment, it keeps us regulated inside and aware. So, what are your practices for getting internal? Do you like to take walks? Meditate? Cook? Run? Does music take you inside? For me, it is meditating. As the summer is filled with the beauty of people, the vibrant colors of nature, the overwhelming aromas of cafe’s and the bright sunshine I am reminded to do my meditation. Another great way to go inwards for me is to do my yoga practice. I focus on forward bending since this is associated with going inwards. Whatever your self care practice is, remember to do it during the summer months. As usual, I hope this touches your day in some way that is useful.

From my heart to yours,
