They Stormed the Capitol? How did this Happen?


So how did it happen? How did we get here in the first place?

There is this fine line between being in reality and our imagination. While reality is limited, the imagination is endless. As a psychotherapist, I have come to deeply respect the world of the fantasy. For many who have experienced trauma, their imagination is a safe haven- -a place to go which is an alternate truth from the real one. This is life saving in some instances. But it can also be very harmful. A person in a psychotic or delusional state can violate the rules and truths of reality.

But why do some people have trouble delineating between the two? Well, it takes a certain amount of ego strength to be able to accept and recognize reality; a fact which is often taken for granted. We assume everyone has the ego strength to make this important distinction. Part of ego strength is an observing ego: the ability to observe oneself in space and time and the effect we have on others. This leads to rational thought and empathy. When we don’t have an observing ego, it becomes hard to delineate between what we fantasize to be true and what actually is true. Also, without an observing ego, empathy is non existent. This leads people to delusions of grandeur establishing their power by any means necessary. I believe this is a good clinical description of Donald Trumps internal world. When one can delineate between reality and fantasy, they are neurotic. When one interprets their fantasy as reality they are psychotic. Being in s psychotic state can be very confusing.

Under stress and duress we go to the borderline of psychotic and neurotic, well at least most of us do. But for someone like Trump, he dips into psychotic and those who are hurting and looking for a different storyline to believe, join him. They too dip into their own delusion; suspending disbelief as they go.


This does not mean that everyone is psychotic, there are plenty of rational and realistic folks who support Trump and I do not mean to offend them. I respect their decision to follow the policies which they feel are right for their lifestyle and choices. I am suggesting a specific type of person prefers an alternate reality and needs one. This is very confusing for those who are able to accept reality. And it is scary, because you are trying to understand the world they are inhabiting. Remember this world is endless in its possibilities. So you can’t imagine it. You can’t imagine fabricating story after story and believing it…

But then again you have an observing ego.

But what if they weren’t stories to you? What if you had slipped past the point of finding that important distinction between the reality you wish for and the truth? For those who are not getting what they need from our government and society, who have anger in their hearts or want to blame someone for their frustrations, Trump is their answer. He offers them an escape from this reality and opens the door to a new one. No one is the enemy here- - yes we all are responsible for our actions, but there are mechanisms at play which are far more complicated than our emotions suggest.

I think it is important to recognize this. Because it is deeply jarring;

It’s as if we are in the matrix and keep looking for the fact we missed- -there isn’t one.

Except that those who are vulnerable to deception and manipulation can be persuaded to step below the line into a very dangerous state of believing fiction is reality.

I hope this is helpful right now. Have faith that most people are in reality and will help find our way back to safety. We have seen this in history. Start with caring for yourself and those around you, understanding that this is a very confusing and scary experience. I send you all a hug and hope you can do the same for yourself.